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Shasta Mode 3 assembly


Output files

Shasta uses GFA terminology. A contiguous piece of assembled sequence is a Segment. Links define adjacency between segments.

Assembly.gfa The assembly graph in GFA 1.0 format. All link records include a Cigar string defining an exact overlap of a small but variable number of bases between adjacent segments.
Assembly-NoSequence.gfa Identical to Assembly.gfa, but does not contain any sequence. Faster to download, manipulate, and visualize in Bandage.
Assembly.fasta The sequences of all assembled segments, in FASTA format.
Assembly.csv Contains one line of information for each assembled segment. It can be loaded in Bandage and also provides custom coloring of segments.

Naming of assembled segments

Assembled segments are organized in bubble chains. A bubble chain is a linear sequence of bubbles of any ploidy without any incoming/outgoing connections to/from the middle of the bubble chain. Some of the bubbles have ploidy 1 (haploid) and usually correspond to low heterozygosity region where haplotypes could not be separated.

Assembled segment names are of the form a-b-c-d-Pn, where:

For example, the figure below illustrates segment naming for bubble chain 1-341. Segment lengths are not to scale. This bubble chain consists of 7 bubbles, numbered from 0 to 6. Bubbles 0, 2, 4, and 6 are haploid. Bubbles 1, 3, and 5 are diploid. Segment 1-341-3-1-P2 is haplotype 1 of the diploid bubble at position 3 in bubble chain 1-341.

The assembly will contain trivial bubble chains consisting of a single haploid bubble, that is, a single assembled segment. These segments have similar naming, but c, d, and n are always 0. For example, 1-136-0-0-P0.

If Assembly.csv is loaded in Bandage, segments are displayed with custom colors as follows:

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